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Standard of use

A good employee is always a strong executive. The first principle is to require employees to have very strong executive power.

1. Employers who are capable will be promoted as long as they have the ability to do so. They will not consider his diploma, educational background, what major they have studied and what they have done before. As long as they are talented people, they should give them opportunities to shine.

2. The principle of aptitude keeps a person in a position suitable for him. Maybe he has a strong ability, but his strong point is not in management. This will only make him unable to play his length, which is not good for a company. He is good at keeping him in a good position.

Recruitment position

Business Merchandiser

1. Responsible for collecting new customers' data and developing new   customers.
2, maintain the business of old customers and tap the maximum   potential of customers.
3, regular communication with cooperative   clients;
4. High enthusiasm for sales work.

Sponge cutting foam workers

1. More than 3 years relevant experience;

2, will operate disc machine, complete sponge cutting.